Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: CertainTeed NorthGate Weathered Wood Lifetime Warranty Shingles with Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
Location: 2432 Autumn Ridge Saint Joseph Michigan 49085
Products Installed: CertainTeed NorthGate Weathered Wood Lifetime Warranty Shingles with Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper as roofing contractors in Saint Joseph Michigan were hired to install a new roof on this beautiful Saint Joseph Michigan home. The homeowner hired our company to replace a roof on their previous home. When they moved they reached out to us for a second time.
This home was under ventilated on both sides of the equation, intake and exhaust. We performed a ventilation calculation that is based on the size of the attic and pitch of the roof to determine what the manufacturer and building code requires for proper ventilation. Our goal was to validate the new shingles warranty, saving energy and increasing the life of the roof dramatically. This important task is the difference between an installer who can provide a warranty and one who cannot. Not having a warranty leaves your home unprotected against what it will face over time. Believe it or not most roofing contractors shortcut the homeowner. Homeowners often think they are paying for a warranty but they actually do not receive one. All of Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper roofs with NorthGate and LandMark Pro shingles have a 50 year lifetime warranty. Upon completion we register the homeowners warranty with the manufacturer and the homeowner receives that warranty in writing from CertainTeed.
As roofing contractors in Saint Joseph Michigan Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper specializes in residential roofing and the installation of Lifetime Warranty (50 Year Warranty) Shingles that includes a 50 Year 100% Transferable Labor & Material Warranty backed by CertainTeed without any Prorating during the life of the shingles.

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: CertainTeed NorthGate Weathered Wood Lifetime Warranty Shingles with Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
The Benefits of the Dennison Exterior Solutions & CertainTeed Integrity Roof System
A quality roofing system involves the underlayment’s, shingles, accessory products, and ventilation all working together. Day after day, year after year.
At Dennison Exterior Solutions & CertainTeed, We call that the Integrity Roof System
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper as roofing contractors in Saint Joseph Michigan we use the Integrity Roof System, which is designed to provide optimum performance — no matter how bad weather conditions are. After all, better quality shingles mean longer-lasting roofs. Add in underlayment and accessory products, and you’ve got a roof system that really works.
When you choose a Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper Integrity Roof System you gain the advantage of having CertainTeed as your single manufacturing source to stand behind its roof system components.

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: CertainTeed NorthGate Weathered Wood Lifetime Warranty Shingles with Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper Shingles:
Most of Dennison Exterior Solution & Gutter Topper customers choose the NorthGate Shingles or the LandMark Pro Shingles, which were engineered to outperform ordinary roofing shingles in every category; The NorthGate and Landmark PRO shingles boasts the rich hues and stunning dimensionality of CertainTeed’s Max Def color technology. Good looks aside, these dimensional laminate shingles are built to last, the Pros two layers of high-quality roofing asphalt and the Northgate’s SBS modified asphalt rubberizing aspects allow greater flexibility so the shingles resist cracking even in extreme cold weather, allowing for your round application. The Northgate’s SBS also offers superior granule adhesion which is one of the key components in protection the shingle against the elements. Both shingles also include an industry leading lifetime limited transferrable warranty.
Features & Benefits
- Class 4 impact resistance, the highest rating available
- Greater cold-weather flexibility
- Increased granule adhesion
- Enhanced crack resistance
- Better weatherability
- Shrink resistance
LandMark Pro:
Features & Benefits
- Replicate the appearance of cedar shake roofing, with the added flexibility of a colorful palette to choose from
- Fifteen year StreakFighter® algae-resistance warranty
- Enhanced warranty available when installed by Dennison Exterior Solutions which is a CertainTeed credentialed contractor
- 110mph Wind Resistance warranty

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: CertainTeed NorthGate Weathered Wood Lifetime Warranty Shingles
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper Winter Guard Ice & Water Shield
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper uses CertainTeed’s WinterGuard waterproofing shingle underlayment, which is the solution for winning the battle against water penetration in your roof’s most vulnerable places. WinterGuard is a composite material of asphalt polymers, formed into a rolled sheet. The asphalt makes it vapor-tight, and the polymers make the asphalt elastic and sticky. This protective barrier is able to stretch and seal around nails driven through it. Placing WinterGuard a minimum of 24″ past the interior wall line at the eave provides your first line of defense.
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper installs Winter Guard six feet up the roofline from all eave edges, where all lower roofs meet any walls and around all roof ‘ shingle penetrations such as furnace / water heater vent stacks, soil pipes, chimneys, antenna satellite fasteners, skylights and any other protrusions through the roof. This process eliminates all potential future callbacks.
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper Winter Guard seals the roof against infiltration of water into the home due to ice dams and wind-driven rain that also seals water-tight around each nail that is driven through it. The sand surface of Winter Guard also provides a huge safety factor for installers while walking on top of the shield.
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper CertainTeed’s Diamond Deck Synthetic Felt
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper uses CertainTeed’s Diamond Deck high performance synthetic felt is applied to the entire roof surface that is not already covered the Winter Guard ice and water shield. This Best-in-Class underlayment’s performance in terms of both weather protection and contractor safety is unsurpassed.
Diamond Deck has exceptional dimensional stability compared to standard 15lb or 30lb felt underlayment, which can wrinkle when it becomes wet and “telegraph” those wrinkles through to the shingles applied over it detracting from the beauty of your homes new shingles. Diamond Deck eliminates this problem and it special top surface treatment provide excellent slip resistance, even when wet for contractor safety.

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: CertainTeed NorthGate Weathered Wood Lifetime Warranty Shingles
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper CertainTeed’s
Ventilation Products: 12” Filtered Vent with an External Baffle and Intake Vent
Designed with an internal weather filter and external baffles, CertainTeed® filtered Ridge Vent proves that outstanding beauty and performance can be combined. Less than an inch in height, this slim molded, high-impact copolymer shingle-over ridge vent permits capping of the ridge with shingles like the rest of the roof. CertainTeed Ridge Vents combined with sufficient intake vents, such as CertainTeed Intake Vent, are the most efficient and effective systems you can install that will help validate the new shingles warranty and save you energy which save you money 24/7. Works year-round to ventilate the attic. Provides evenly distributed ventilation along the entire underside of the roof. Provides a higher volume of airflow per square foot of attic area than any other fixed-vent system and is designed to maximize airflow across the entire underside of roof sheathing. Changes in wind direction have no significant effect on vent performance and is wind driven rain resistant up to 110 MPH.
CertainTeed’s Intake Vent provides continuous intake airflow at the roof’s edge and provides proper intake ventilation for homes with little or no overhang. It’s a rooftop installed, shingle-over intake vent that can be used to supplement existing soffit or under eave vents. CertainTeed Ridge Vent combined with sufficient intake vents, such as CertainTeed Intake Vent, are the most efficient and effective systems you can install.
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper as gutter guard contractors in Saint Joseph Michigan installed Light Bronze Gutter Topper to best match the color to the Weathered Wood shingles so that the Gutter Topper blends in and appears that the roof extends out over the seamless gutters.
Gutter Topper was specifically engineered to be installed over your existing gutters however, Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper as gutter cover contractors in Saint Joseph Michigan recommends that we replace your gutters if your current gutter system was originally installed with the outdated spike and ferrule fastener system as those systems are almost impossible to be adjusted for proper drainage.
If your existing gutter system is in relatively good shape Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper as gutter contractors in Saint Joseph Michigan our installation methods includes a Gutter Tune-up that includes “dry” cleaning out your existing gutters, repitching them where and if they need to be and resealing any leaking seams that the homeowner points out to us. This fee also includes taking over responsibility for your existing gutter system as well if the system is relatively new so that you won’t have to call the original gutter company. We also specialize in installing new seamless aluminum gutters and downspouts as well if you need new gutters.
The Heated Gutter Topper System
The Gutter Topper gutter cover system already includes a unique Ice Release™ system. The Ice Release™ system uses the natural expansion and contraction of the aluminum panel as the temperature outside fluctuates. This process helps move the ice off the edge of your roof and onto the ground.

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
The Heated Ice Release™ system uses a tough low voltage cable which helps eliminate icicles at the eave edges of your home. This cable can be installed inside your existing gutter system with the Gutter Topper gutter covers installed on top.
We simply choose a downspout location that is nearest an electrical outlet and notch a hole on the side of the downspout and insert the special cable. This cable is then fed down to the end of your downspout where the water flows out and then is run back up the downspout to where the downspout connects to your gutters. The cable is then is routed and is installed on the inside bottom of your gutter to the end of your gutter system. We then attach the cable to the underside of the Gutter Topper gutter covers.

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
In the late fall customers normally turn on their system and leave it on for the entire winter. Our low voltage system does not use much energy at all.
Testing and customer experiences have told us that it is best to leave the system on at all time rather than to fail to remember to turn the system on at least 6 hours before snowfall. If you fail to do so it may take several days for the system to catch up and melt any ice that has formed. In addition, under heavy snow conditions we have found that it may also take several days to melt off any icicles however, experience has shown that on average during the worst conditions icicles will be kept to a minimum and no larger that your fingers.

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
For more information please request a Free Estimate and Consultation.
- Reduces damage to facades and roofs
- Is installed along the edge of the roof or in places where there is a risk of ice and snow formations
- Roof damage is prevented by an efficient and free draining of melt water
Why is Gutter Topper Superior when Compared to other Gutter Covers?
While there are many gutter guard systems on the market today only Gutter Topper passed independent tests for debris infiltration, torrential rain flow (22” per hour), hurricane force winds (110mph), handle the heavy weight of ice and snow (1,200 lbs. per square foot) and be rated the number one solid metal gutter guard on the market today by a leading consumer testing magazine.

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
How Gutter Topper Keeps You Safe!
Gutter Topper is a permanent solution to having to constantly climb dangerous rickety old ladders putting your health at risk to keep you gutters clean.
Every year, over 100,000 homeowners fall from ladders and are seriously injured. Many fall from heights as low as 10 feet and spend an average of $4,000 on hospital co-pays, prescription drugs, lost wages, and physical therapy.
Ask yourself, is it worth the risk?
- Gutter Topper costs less than this to install on an average single-story home
- There could be additional long-term health effects resulting from the fall Safety is one of the smartest reasons for installing Gutter Topper on your home.
- Statistics from: Consumer Protection Agency and OSHA

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: CertainTeed NorthGate Weathered Wood Lifetime Warranty Shingles with Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
How Gutter Topper Protects You, Your Home & Enhances Your Home
Besides protecting you from climbing a ladder to clean out your gutters year after year,
- Gutter Topper protects your property by eliminating clogged gutters.
- Helps stop gutter overflows that could damage landscaping, walls foundation, and basement
- Keeps birds and pests from nesting in gutters
- Helps protect against harmful mold, mildew and rot. All this protection is enhanced by the value and curb appeal that Gutter Topper adds to your home:
- Custom fit and attractive design
- Attached to your gutters and house, it strengthens your existing gutters
- Available in 13 standard colors and genuine 16 oz. copper
- Low-profile that blends into the roofline
- No unsightly mounting brackets or hangers
Please don’t hesitate to call Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper as gutter repair contractors in Saint Joseph Michigan for a free inspection, review of your proposal today. Our office will return your call promptly and setup an appointment with you to inspect, measure and review your customized proposal and answer any questions you may have about our products and installations.
Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper as gutter guard contractors in Saint Joseph Michigan has well over 5,000 satisfied customers in the Western Michigan and Northern Indiana areas. Our average customer satisfaction ratings are superior to any other contractor in the area with a 5 Star rating and “A” rating from our customers.

Dennison Exterior Solutions & Gutter Topper: CertainTeed NorthGate Weathered Wood Lifetime Warranty Shingles with Light Bronze Lifetime Warranty Heated Gutter Topper
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